For companies with an internal IT professional or team, it often seems that IT projects take a very long time to get done. This is caused by two different challenges for internal IT teams:
1) Day-to-day IT work gets in the way of projects
IT projects are typically forward looking projects such as upgrading the network or server, adding new layers of security, or migrating to a new CRM system. So when day-to-day IT issues come up (computer down, network is slow, new user to set up), the project gets put on the back burner. These delays can add up so that a three week project quickly turns into a three month project.
2) IT team lacks specific skills for the project
Most IT projects require different IT skills than day-to-day work, so internal IT teams may lack some of the skills necessary to complete the project. This causes the project to take much longer because they have to research it and apply some trial and error to get things working properly. An IT person skilled in something like network design, can typically design an effective network in a fraction of the time that it would take an IT generalist.
In order to keep your IT projects on time, it often makes sense to bring in an outsourced IT team to tackle the projects. That allows your internal team to stay focused on keeping the day-to-day business running well.
The Skyriver IT Guarantee
Skyriver IT is so confident that you will be delighted with our frustration-free IT Services, we guarantee your satisfaction. If after 3 months of working with Skyriver IT, you are not absolutely delighted with the service, we will help you find a new IT services company and pay for your first month of service.
If you would like to discuss how we can help make your IT frustration free, please contact us.