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Why Do Internal IT Projects Take So Long?

10 mins read
written by
Dhoof Mohamed

Is your IT Team trained in Project Management? Most business leaders have faced challenges getting an internal IT project done. Projects that seem like they should only take a few weeks take months to complete. Or even worse, important projects never getting completed.

In my experience, IT people tend not to be closely managed in companies of less than 250 employees. Business managers do not have a strong knowledge of IT, so they let the IT team manage their own projects. However, most IT people have never been trained in a key skill for project success:

Even IT people with 15+ years experience may not have a good grasp on project management, because they have never been trained. Good project management involves understanding what resources are needed, who needs to provide those resources, and the timing for those resources. When things are not planned out well, projects that should only take a few weeks can take months to complete or never get done at all.

So, if projects with your internal IT team are taking much longer than they should, you would do well to invest in teaching your team project management skills. A small investment upfront will make future IT projects go much more smoothly.

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