Laptops have a higher rate of hard drive crashes due to being moved around so much. As most San Diego Managed Services Providers can tell you, technology is only part of the solution for backing up computer files. You also need to consider user behavior when developing a backup solution.
Even if your servers are backed up daily, users may store most of their files on their computers. So the data is not getting backed up. Or, if laptop users take home their laptops in the evening, any overnight backups are not getting the data on the laptops. To make it worse, laptops are the most likely to be lost and have a higher rate of hard drive crashes due to being moved around so much.
Backing Up All of Your Files
Take a look at your current backup procedures and ask whether it incorporates user behavior. It often makes sense to talk to users and look for any user behavior that is inconsistent with your current backup procedures. And remember, it is typically easier to change your technological solution than to change user behavior.

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