When most business executives think about company culture, they typically think of things like vision, values, policies and practices. One area that is often overlooked is IT infrastructure and support. This can fall under values (ie. how we value our employee’s time) or practices (ie. how readily do employees have the tools needed to execute on their jobs).
Let’s look at a couple scenarios:
In many companies, users think of their IT infrastructure and support as something they have to “deal with” in order to get their job done. There is often a lot of frustration around infrastructure that does not work optimally, and when they need IT support, users feel undervalued and unappreciated. These are certainly not the right ingredients for a good culture.

In organizations with an effective IT infrastructure and service oriented support, users feel supported and valued. They stay focused on getting their jobs done and can lean on the IT team to solve process or technical problems rather than looking for ways to work around them. This leads to everyone working together. In addition, employees and the IT team develop solutions that improve efficiencies and make everyone’s life better over time.
In talking with executives who have worked at companies with both good and bad IT infrastructure and support, they have told us that the differences in culture they experienced were dramatic. So if you want to improve your company’s culture, take a look at your IT infrastructure support. It can be a big step toward improving company culture.
Improving IT Infrastructure and Teams
Most businesses can benefit from having someone assess how their business systems and IT team can better the support business goals. Skyriver IT helps businesses leverage technology to improve existing processes and ensure you have the right IT team supporting your business efficiently. If this would be of interest to you, then please contact us. We look forward to helping you build a better IT infrastructure and IT team to support a great business culture.